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>>Dragonball Final Time Episode 3

The Mysterious Boy Part 2

"Heheheh...And what`s your name boy?" Vegeta laughed. "That doesn`t matter." the boy replied. "And you plan to stop me from taking over this planet?" asked Vegeta. "Pretty much,Vegeta." then answered. "How...how do you know my name?!" Vegeta asked. "That doesn`t matter either." the boy answered. Then the boy shot a kiblast at Vegeta,but Vegeta easily dodged it by jumping in the air. When jumping in the air,though,he looked down at the explosion,and when he looked up about 3 seconds after he jumped the boy was already close. Tho boy punched Vegeta in the right cheeck,sending Vegeta flying! Vegeta landed in the stream,and the boy flew down,arms folded,on one of the banks. "Is this the best you got?" the boy asked. "I have plenty more!" yelled Vegeta,who was now on one knee in the river. "Oh,yeah,realy. I`m with you all the way on that one." taunted the boy. "If I used my true power,you wouldn`t stand a chance!" yelled Vegeta,now getting to his feet. "...Right...Look,Vegeta,I could kill you faster than snow melts in heck,true power or not." the boy taunted again. "It`s the ICE AGE DOWN THERE!!!" yelled Vegeta when powering up. Water splashed everywhere,clouds moved faster,and the sky seemed to be on fire with yellow energy. The boy,though,wasn`t impressed. He,in fact,joined Vegeta. They both had about equal powers,rumbling the Earth! Vegeta was a SSJ4 and the boy was a SSJ4, and the boy had blue energy . Electricity from the boy`s energy and electricity from Vegeta`s energy bounced all around. The energy,the electricity,and some sprinkles of water that looked like glitter: a beautiful sight! But you weren`t here for sight seeing! Gradually the energy started to fade. When it was all gone,Vegeta was glowing yellow: his hair,his clothes,his skin,everything was now yellow. Same for the boy,only the boy was blue. Vegeta then attacked with all his mite! Leaping forward towards the boy he punched like crazy,though every attack was blocked or dodged. Then the boy went on the attack,but every attack was blocked or dodged. Vegeta then flew into the air,charging for a Final Flash. The boy stayed where he was,but pulled out his sword. He gave Vegeta all the time he needed to shoot the beam. After about 7 seconds of charging,Vegeta hurtled the huge beam at the boy. The boy jumped at it,holding his sword two handed and the blade over his right shoulder,ready to swipe. When the beam and the boy met,the boy swiped at the beam,wich seperated it,and the energy seemed to just fade away. You can guess how shocked Vegeta was. "If this is the best you can do,give up or wait and die!" called the boy. "Never! You don`t even know why I`m doing this!" Vegeta called back. "Then explain." the boy called again. "...Er...Fine. It`s for the good of the people on Earth. We don`t want more people to be half-breed Saiyans,because they may take over Earth. You see? I must kill everyone on this planet with strengths as ours. Because after we`re gone,who knows what that half-breed generation will do. And I also will kill everyone who loved the few I`ve attacked,so they will not mourn. Do you see?" explained Vegeta. He`s got a point,thought the boy. "Vegeta! Please,these are good people! How can their descendants be so evil?" the boy called. Vegeta sighed. "Maybe you`re right..." he admitted. "But,hey,let`s keep fighting,it was just getting good!" called the boy. "No,I think I`ve done enough. You win. That last attack took all my power...What is your name anyway?!" asked Vegeta. "It doesn`t matter...But I`ll tell you anyway." said the boy. The boy put hit sword back in it`s case. Then the boy flew off,but passed Vegeta saying the word,"Brolli jr." "...Brolli jr..." Vegeta mumbled as the boy,Brolli jr,flew off...Vegeta cured everyone and explained to everyone why he did it and all about Brolli jr. Life went back to normal again...The End