Poll of March 2001
What do you think of our new layout? |
| Simply Amazing (137) | 34% |
| Extremely Good (67) | 17% |
| Good (59) | 15% |
| It's Okay (41) | 10% |
| Bad (15) | 4% |
| Extremely Bad (10) | 3% |
| Just Plain Ugly (69) | 17% |
| Total Votes: 398
Poll of April 2001
What section needs a BIG update? |
| Information (64) | 9% |
| Images (188) | 25% |
| Music (64) | 9% |
| Movie Clips (355) | 47% |
| Humor (78) | 10% |
| Total Votes: 749
Poll of July 2001
What is the best dragonball series? |
| Dragonball (57) | 4% |
| Dragonball Z (659) | 51% |
| Dragonball GT (377) | 29% |
| ALL YOUR BASE ARE BELONG TO US!! (190) | 15% |
| Total Votes: 1283
Poll of August 2001
What do you think of the new layout? |
| Simply Godly (220) | 29% |
| Extremely Good (268) | 35% |
| Meh (132) | 17% |
| Ugly (30) | 4% |
| Ewwwwwww (112) | 15% |
| Total Votes: 762
Poll of November 2001
What do you think of the new enter page? |
| IT'S THE BEST! (298) | 38% |
| It's great (154) | 19% |
| It's Okay (107) | 14% |
| Could be better (77) | 10% |
| GET RID OF IT NOW! (155) | 20% |
| Total Votes: 791
Poll of December 2001
What next geration console should have a dragonball z game?
Game Cube (397) |
26% |
Playstation 2 (782) |
50% |
X Box (267) |
17% |
Dreamcast (109) |
7% |
Total Votes: 1555
Poll of January 2001
Which Dragonball version is the best?
Japanese Dragonball (248) |
67% |
Funimation's American Dub (110) |
30% |
Ocean Group's Canadian Dub (13) |
4% |
Total Votes: 371
Poll of February 2002
What would you do if this site closed?
Go Insane (544) |
46% |
Cry (168) |
14% |
Nothing (260) |
22% |
Smile (26) |
2% |
Party (196) |
16% |
Total Votes: 1194
Poll of March 2002
Who do you hate the most?
Mr Satan/Hercule (799) |
32% |
Nappa (50) |
2% |
Mr. Shu (Gohan's old tutor) (198) |
8% |
Yajirobee (70) |
3% |
Maron (Krillin's old Girlfriend) (72) |
3% |
Chi Chi (80) |
3% |
Pikachu (1254) |
50% |
Total Votes: 2523
Poll of April 2002
Who is the funniest character?
Vegeta (296) |
11% |
Fat Gogeta (495) |
18% |
Goku (357) |
13% |
Master Roshi (343) |
13% |
Krillin (165) |
6% |
Gotenks (168) |
6% |
King Kai (137) |
5% |
Mr Satan/Hercule (325) |
12% |
Goten (275) |
10% |
Chibi Trunks (159) |
6% |
Total Votes: 2720
Poll of May 2002
What do you think of the new layout?
It ownz j00 [IT'S THE BEST] (109) |
38% |
It r0xx0rz [It Rocks] (68) |
24% |
Meh [It's Okay] (46) |
16% |
It suxx0rz [It Sucks] (10) |
4% |
It is a n00b layout [It REALLY sucks] (51) |
18% |
Total Votes: 285
Poll of June 2002
Which DBZ character would you want to be stuck with on a desert island?
Goku [He can find coconuts to eat-- Even though you may starve..] (77) |
11% |
Gohan [Probably the first to come up with a way off the island.] (243) |
34% |
Chi-Chi [Her frying pan, which she usually smacks Goku over the head with, will sure come in handy while cooking fish.] (32) |
4% |
Goten [You two can spend the entire day playing, and chasing the birdies! Not much help surviving, but at least you'll die happy!] (69) |
10% |
Future Trunks [If your lucky, he's brought his time machine, so you can travel back before you got stranded on the island.] (92) |
13% |
Bulma [Most likely to make you her servant and ger her off the island!] (73) |
10% |
Vegeta [Most likely to know how to survive-- even if he does end up eating you..] (104) |
14% |
Piccolo [Probably not the greatest choice, since his only nutrition is water, and he won't help much when it comes to food gathering.] (31) |
4% |
Total Votes: 721
Poll of September 2002
Who smells the worst in DB/Z/GT?
Goku [He trains so often he's gotta start smelling at least a little funky!] (20) |
9% |
Vegeta [He trains more than Goku and with the gravity room-- Good God Hit The Dirt!!!!] (66) |
29% |
Gohan [Is it possible for the most prefect guy in the world to have that kinda rep?] (6) |
3% |
Trunks [Have you seen the suit he wears in GT? I mean it looks like it hasn't been washed since Michael Jackson had a nose!!] (9) |
4% |
Piccolo [Just because he's green doesn't mean he doesn't have sweat glands!!!!] (18) |
8% |
Jaz [So he isn't in DB/Z/GT, I still say he smells the worst out of the entire lot..] (24) |
10% |
Gohan3k [Also quite the smelly one and comes in a very close second to Jaz..] (18) |
8% |
JZ [Hey why am I on this?? Oh right me and my lack of hygeine...] (68) |
30% |
Total Votes: 229
Poll of October 2002
Are you planning on cosplaying or dressing up for Halloween?
HELL YES!!! [Strokes anime costume, made perfect down to the last detail, lovingly] (58) |
28% |
Yeah! [Get out sheet with two eye holes and the carton of eggs] (17) |
8% |
Maybe [Need candy.. Must have candy.. Too lazy to move..] (40) |
19% |
Nah.. [That's just a bunch of kid stuff!] (13) |
6% |
NO!!!! [Hides costume. YOU SAW NOTHING!!] (13) |
6% |
Are you serious? [I simply put on my Reaper costume and scare all the small children the come by-- MWAHAHAHA.... HA!!? *Ahem*] (51) |
24% |
Don't Celebrate Halloween [So you get candy some other time-- WELL DAMN YOU THEN!!!! DAMN YOU TO HELL-- I mean..] (17) |
8% |
Total Votes: 209
Poll of November2002
Who is the Kraziest charact4er at TCG?
Gohan3k [Do I even need to come up with a witty repsone for him??] (82) |
34% |
JZ [Is Krazy enough to come up with these polls each month!] (45) |
19% |
Trunks [Krazy enough to not update, and when he does-- Well you know..] (32) |
13% |
Jaz [Come on people! It's JAZ!!!!] (78) |
33% |
Total Votes: 238
Poll of December 2002
Which member of the DBZ crew can eat the most?
Goku [The one seen eating at least once every two episodes] (507) |
81% |
Vegeta [Also a pure blooded saiyan, so it's obvious he eats a lot too!!] (38) |
6% |
Gohan [The kid can cram the rice!] (15) |
2% |
Trunks [Uhm.. The pretty boy needs vitamins for his.. hair??] (9) |
1% |
Goten [Goten's a birdie! Goten's a birdie-- I mean..] (56) |
9% |
Total Votes: 625
Poll of January 2003
Which member of the DBZ crew has a New Year's Resolution most similar to your own?
Goku [Diet Diet Diet! 30 tonnes of food a day is a BIT too much..] (42) |
11% |
Gohan [Study Study Study!! Okay, so you're officially a nerd..] (45) |
11% |
Trunks [Comb Comb Comb!! Okay, that's the last time I keep that 3 word pattern, but anyway, he needs to keep at his hair.. and erm.. looks.. cuz ya know.......] (31) |
8% |
Vegeta [Train Train Train!! Look out for the train!!!! *runs off railroad tracks*] (115) |
29% |
Goten [Date Date Date! If you've seen GT Goten.. cough man whore cough!] (114) |
29% |
Chi-Chi [Abuse the husaband! x3] (13) |
3% |
Krillen [Shine Shine Shine! That bald head doesn't get 'Most Waxed Head of the Year' Awards for nothing you know!!] (8) |
2% |
Bulma [Complain Complain Complain! So not the greatest resoultion, but hey-- When has that ever mattered?!] (28) |
7% |
Total Votes: 396
Poll of February 2003
Which member of the DBZ cast do you have the hott's for?
Goku [Yeah.. He is like the strongest guy in the universe-- IN THE SACK!!] (34) |
6% |
Trunks [We all love a pretty boy..] (40) |
7% |
Goten [He's a man ho-- What's not to love?!] (20) |
3% |
Bra [One of the more skanky DBZ females ^_^] (126) |
22% |
Gohan [Hey.. We all know he's hot-- IN THE PANTS!!] (39) |
7% |
Chi-Chi [I don't even want to know..] (19) |
3% |
Vegeta I wonder if he's as agressive off his feet as he is on them (67) |
12% |
Bulma [Known to give DbZ men most nosebleeds.. heh heh heh..] (115) |
20% |
Krillen [You sick child..] (13) |
2% |
Videl [She's cool?] (108) |
19% |
Total Votes: 581
Poll of April 2003
What prank would you most like to play on a DBZ Charact4er?
Goku [Okay, you can do just about anything to this moron and confuse him..] (79) |
13% |
ChiChi [Pretend that school has been closed forever] (45) |
7% |
Gohan [Tell him his father has been killed... Again] (39) |
6% |
Trunks [Pretend you're yet another android come to kill his friends and family.. that should scar the bugger for life!] (60) |
10% |
Vegeta [Remove all hair gel] (87) |
14% |
Bulma [Make her go on a blind date.. With Master Roshi] (87) |
14% |
Master Roshi [Set him up on a blind date with Bulma.... wait..] (14) |
2% |
Freeza [Bring him back to life, just so he can be killed by yet another saiyan] (219) |
35% |
Total Votes: 630
Poll of May 2003
Who is most awesome?
Goku [Well he's only saved the universe about a billion times] (197) |
32% |
Gohan [He's awesome acedemic wise... DORK!!] (95) |
15% |
Vegeta [Saiyan prince in spandex, what's not awesome about that??] (233) |
37% |
ChiChi [Psycho's are always fun..] (11) |
2% |
Bulma [Well I have to add SOME females don't I??] (22) |
4% |
Freeza [Yeaaah.... Actually.. Nooooo] (13) |
2% |
Piccolo [He's one bad mofo!] (51) |
8% |
Total Votes: 622
Poll of June 2003
Do you REALLY wanna see JZ naked??
GOD YES!!!!!! [That's just a little scary..] (240) |
50% |
Sure why not [A naked female does have it's benifits] (133) |
28% |
Meh [Who really cares?] (26) |
5% |
No thanks [I'll stick to my porn] (11) |
2% |
NO WAY!!! [How dare you degrad a female like that??!] (68) |
14% |
Total Votes: 478
Poll of July 2003
What are your plans for this summer?
Hang out with the DBZ crew [And learning Master Roshi's Art of taking pictures of bikini clad woman lessons] (70) |
41% |
Watching DBZ constantly [Hey, you're sad and you know it] (37) |
22% |
Download DBZ on your computer cuz you're too lazy to move and find the remote [Well you may as well use your DSL while you can.. Dork] (33) |
19% |
Nothing DBZ Affiliated [Uhm, then why are you browsing DBZ sites.. You sicken me..] (31) |
18% |
Total Votes: 171
Poll of August 2003
Who is the Kraziest charact4er at TCG? Part II
Gohan3k [He's the creator of TCG. You have to be pretty krazy to run this place] (51) |
30% |
Trunks [One of the original TCG'ers, he's got to be a little bit crazy!!] (22) |
13% |
JZ [Admit it, I'm Krazy, who else would make naked polls?!] (65) |
39% |
Jaz [Crazy for never updating] (14) |
8% |
Sky [Our newest TCG memeber, he's so goddamn crazy that he just had to join TCG] (16) |
10% |
Total Votes: 168
Poll of September 2003
What do you plan about doing on going back to school?
Study, work hard [Nehoy! Someone shoot this dork] (44) |
21% |
Not pay attention, do bad, the usual [And I'm sure you'll eventually pass the fourth grade with that attitude!] (27) |
13% |
Burn school [Now that's the answer we all want to hear!!] (139) |
66% |
Total Votes: 210
Poll of October 2003
What would you do if the site closed down?
Cry [Hey, I've seen it happen] (113) |
29% |
Sacrifice a goat in hopes that the site will comes back [I haven't quite seen that happen as often..] (142) |
37% |
Nothing [I just come here for the polls] (68) |
18% |
Be happy [You're sense of humor is just.. sad] (61) |
16% |
Total Votes: 384
Poll of December 2003
What do you want for Christmas?
Normal Stuffs [Mmmmm.. stuffs] (71) |
47% |
DBZ Stuffs [Dork..] (58) |
38% |
Nothing [LIAR!!] (16) |
11% |
Two Front Teeth [Hick much..] (7) |
5% |
Total Votes: 152
Poll of March 2004
What would you do if Goku handed you blueberries?
Eat them! [I've never had blueberries before!] (4) |
4% |
SQUISH!! [Squished blueberries are the best] (5) |
6% |
Throw them [Hopefully back into the face of Goku, blinding him for life] (21) |
24% |
Eat them in hopes of them containing special powers [Who knows, maybe blue berries were the key to Goku's power] (46) |
52% |
Look in confusion and throw them over your shoulder [Hey... it could happen] (13) |
15% |
Total Votes: 89
Poll of April 2004
Which DB/Z/GT Charact4er do you think would make it into American Idol?
Goku [He can totally sing, haven't you head him scream] (3) |
6% |
Gohan [He has a high pitched whiny voice, I'm sure his singing voice could sound similar] (1) |
2% |
Chi-Chi [The screams as well.. I'm sure she could belt out something] (0) |
0% |
Bulma [Also, the screamer.. Her frying pan could be used for back up] (2) |
4% |
Krillen [I'm sure I'm not the only one who saw him singing in the DBZ movie.. *shudders*] (2) |
4% |
Goten [Goten's A Birdie-- Definatley could become a number one hit on charts everywhere] (7) |
13% |
Trunks [He's a totaly teeny bopper, he can succeed at anything he tries] (11) |
21% |
Piccolo [Who would say not to him? Not Paula Abdul!] (3) |
6% |
Vegeta [More bad ass than Simon] (23) |
44% |
Total Votes: 52
Poll of July 2004
What summer job would you give Trunks?
Sparring Partner-Pump it up! 69 (22%)
Personal Driver-Or flyer.. 17 (5%)
IceCream man- Mmmmm ice cream 28 (9%)
Summer School-You're not goin! 12 (3%)
Capsule Corp. Pres-Booooooring 28 (9%)
Personal Slave-Quite useful ;) 68
Male Stripper-Enough said 87 (28%)
309 Total votes
Poll of August 2004
Which DBZ charact4er would you want to
bring back to school with you?
Vegeta - School go boom 199 (44%)
Gohan - Answers to the tests!! 69
Trunks - Look pretty 33 (7%)
Goku - Help you... study????? 23 (5%)
Goten - Someone to play with! 29 (6%)
ChiChi - Packs your lunches 6 (1%)
Piccolo - Scares away kids 28 (6%)
Krillen-Make fun of him, not u 13 (2%)
Yamcha - Key to the ladies 49 (10%)
449 Total votes
Poll of September 2004
In an attempt to get out of those back
to school blues you start a rock
band-- who's gonna help ya?!
Trunks - Jammin' on the guitar 83
Gohan - Your manager 52 (11%)
Vegeta - Drums suit him well 62 (13%)
Goku - Tamborine! 27 (5%)
Goten - Back up tamborine!! 63 (13%)
Bulma - Lead vocals 15 (3%)
Piccolo - Personal bodygaurd 52 (11%)
Chi Chi - Back up vocals 7 (1%)
Brolly - Official headbanger 83 (17%)
Yamcha -Groupies will love him 25 (5%)
469 Total votes
Poll of October 2004
Who would you take to go
trick-or-treating with you?
Goku-May eat all your candy 39 (10%)
Vegeta-May explode houses.. 87 (22%)
Gohan-Can plan a perfect route 59
Chi-Chi-No more candy for you! 5 (1%)
Goten - Will get hyper w/you! 61 (15%)
Trunks-Uhm.. Can look pretty? 19 (4%)
Pan-Beat up others for candy! 50 (12%)
Piccolo-Scare away the kids! 65 (16%)
385 Total votes
Poll of November/December 2004
Which DBZ cast member would you
give away as a present?
Goku-Will eat the b-day cake 115 (13%)
Vegeta-What a big presen-BOOM! 213
Piccolo-Time to train, Tubby 98 (11%)
Chi-Chi-Will bake cake! 53 (6%)
Goten - Just cuz it's Goten! 148 (16%)
Trunks-Unf 69 (7%)
Gohan-A study buddy! Nehoy! 119 (13%)
880 Total votes |