The Cell Game-Only The Strongest Survive



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>>Previous Polls

Here you can see poll results of polls that were up on The Cell Game before. These votes are already done so all you can do is see the results and not vote.
October 20-27 2000
Who Is Your Favorite Saiyan?
Results: 18 Votes   
6% Brolli (1)
28% Vegeta (5)
11% Trunks (2)
17% Gohan (3)
39% Goku (7) 
0% Goten (0)
Goku Wins!!
Week of Oct. 27-Nov. 4 2000
Who is your favorite Android from the Series?
Results: 24 Votes
19 (1)
18 (11)
17 (4)
16 (8)
Android 18 wins!!
Week of Nov. 4-11 2000
What do you think is the best fusion?
Results: 17 Votes
Vegetto (10)
Gogeta (3)
Gotenks (3)
Kamicollo (1)
Super 17 (0)
Vegetto Wins!!
Week of Nov. 11-18 2000
What is the best DBZ Saga?
Results: 14 Votes
36%  Buu Saga (5)
57%  The Cell Saga (8)
0%  Garlic Jr.  Saga (0)
7%  The Saiyan Saga (1)
The Cell Saga Wins!!
Week of Nov. 18-25 2000
Who is your favorite Female Character?
Results: 20 Votes
10%  What's a Female??? (2)
15%  Pan (3)
60%  Android 18 (12)
10%  Chi-Chi (2)
5%  Bulma (1)
Android 18 wins again!!
Week of Nov. 25- Dec. 1 2000
What is your favorite Super Saiyan Level?
Results: 24 Votes
Super Saiyan 1  (2)  8%  
Ultra Super Saiyan  (4)  16%
Super Saiyan 2  (2)  8%  
Super Saiyan 3  (7)  29%
Super Saiyan 4  (9)  37%
SSJ 4 Wins
Week of Dec. 1-7 2000

What is your favorite attack?
Kamehemehe  (11)  30%
Masenko  (1)  2%
Spirit Bomb  (2)  5%
Solar Flare  (1)  2%
Destructo Disk  (1)  2%
Galic Gun  (1) 2%
Special Beam cannon  (1) 2%
Burning Attack  0%
Final Flash  (8)  22%
Dragon Fist  (10) 
Kamehemehe wins by 1 vote!
From this point on we are using easy to see graphs instead of text.
Weekly Poll
What is your favorite Race?
Saiyan (49)


Namek (2)


Human (1)


Android (3)


Changeling (0)


Total Votes: 55


Poll of Dec. 16-23 2000
Who do you think has the coolest hair?
Vegeta (7)


Goku (6)


Trunks (11)


Gohan (10)


Yamcha (0)

Bulma (0)

Chi-Chi (0)

Android 18 (2)


Mr. Satan (a.k.a. Hercule) (0)

Krillan (1)


Total Votes: 37


I lost the poll results for this week..........oops!
Poll of Dec. 30- Jan. 6 2001
Who is your favorite Villian?
The Ginyu Force (1)


The Freeza Family (2)


Garlic Jr. (2)


The Androids (6)


Cell (8)


Buu (5)


Brolly (6)


Total Votes: 30


I kinda lost the poll results in the week in between here...........again!, Well the next poll actually went to Feb. 1 2001 and not what it says, and now we move on to monthly polls for better more accurate results.

Poll of Jan. 13-20 2001
What Full Episodes/Movies Should we put up?
Dragobnall GT Episodes (56)


Dragonball Z Movies (30)


The Buu Saga (42)


The Cell Saga (23)


The Freeza Saga (3)


The Saiyan Saga (8)


Dragonball Episodes (17)


Total Votes: 179


Poll of February 2001
What is our best section (besides full episodes/movies)?
Info (10)


Images (42)


Music (15)


Downloads (42)


Humor (20)


Total Votes: 129


Poll of March 2001
What do you think of our new layout?
Simply Amazing (137)


Extremely Good (67)


Good (59)


It's Okay (41)


Bad (15)


Extremely Bad (10)


Just Plain Ugly (69)


Total Votes: 398


Poll of April 2001
What section needs a BIG update?
Information (64)


Images (188)


Music (64)


Movie Clips (355)


Humor (78)


Total Votes: 749


Poll of July 2001
What is the best dragonball series?
Dragonball (57)


Dragonball Z (659)


Dragonball GT (377)




Total Votes: 1283


Poll of August 2001
What do you think of the new layout?
Simply Godly (220)


Extremely Good (268)


Meh (132)


Ugly (30)


Ewwwwwww (112)


Total Votes: 762


Poll of November 2001
What do you think of the new enter page?
IT'S THE BEST! (298)


It's great (154)


It's Okay (107)


Could be better (77)




Total Votes: 791


Poll of December 2001
What next geration console should have a dragonball z game?
Game Cube (397) 26%
Playstation 2 (782) 50%
X Box (267) 17%
Dreamcast (109) 7%

Total Votes: 1555

Poll of January 2001
Which Dragonball version is the best?
Japanese Dragonball (248) 67%
Funimation's American Dub (110) 30%
Ocean Group's Canadian Dub (13) 4%

Total Votes: 371

Poll of February 2002
What would you do if this site closed?
Go Insane (544) 46%
Cry (168) 14%
Nothing (260) 22%
Smile (26) 2%
Party (196) 16%

Total Votes: 1194

Poll of March 2002
Who do you hate the most?
Mr Satan/Hercule (799) 32%
Nappa (50) 2%
Mr. Shu (Gohan's old tutor) (198) 8%
Yajirobee (70) 3%
Maron (Krillin's old Girlfriend) (72) 3%
Chi Chi (80) 3%
Pikachu (1254) 50%

Total Votes: 2523

Poll of April 2002
Who is the funniest character?
Vegeta (296) 11%
Fat Gogeta (495) 18%
Goku (357) 13%
Master Roshi (343) 13%
Krillin (165) 6%
Gotenks (168) 6%
King Kai (137) 5%
Mr Satan/Hercule (325) 12%
Goten (275) 10%
Chibi Trunks (159) 6%

Total Votes: 2720

Poll of May 2002
What do you think of the new layout?
It ownz j00 [IT'S THE BEST] (109) 38%
It r0xx0rz [It Rocks] (68) 24%
Meh [It's Okay] (46) 16%
It suxx0rz [It Sucks] (10) 4%
It is a n00b layout [It REALLY sucks] (51) 18%

Total Votes: 285

Poll of June 2002
Which DBZ character would you want to be stuck with on a desert island?
Goku [He can find coconuts to eat-- Even though you may starve..] (77) 11%
Gohan [Probably the first to come up with a way off the island.] (243) 34%
Chi-Chi [Her frying pan, which she usually smacks Goku over the head with, will sure come in handy while cooking fish.] (32) 4%
Goten [You two can spend the entire day playing, and chasing the birdies! Not much help surviving, but at least you'll die happy!] (69) 10%
Future Trunks [If your lucky, he's brought his time machine, so you can travel back before you got stranded on the island.] (92) 13%
Bulma [Most likely to make you her servant and ger her off the island!] (73) 10%
Vegeta [Most likely to know how to survive-- even if he does end up eating you..] (104) 14%
Piccolo [Probably not the greatest choice, since his only nutrition is water, and he won't help much when it comes to food gathering.] (31) 4%

Total Votes: 721

Poll of September 2002
Who smells the worst in DB/Z/GT?
Goku [He trains so often he's gotta start smelling at least a little funky!] (20) 9%
Vegeta [He trains more than Goku and with the gravity room-- Good God Hit The Dirt!!!!] (66) 29%
Gohan [Is it possible for the most prefect guy in the world to have that kinda rep?] (6) 3%
Trunks [Have you seen the suit he wears in GT? I mean it looks like it hasn't been washed since Michael Jackson had a nose!!] (9) 4%
Piccolo [Just because he's green doesn't mean he doesn't have sweat glands!!!!] (18) 8%
Jaz [So he isn't in DB/Z/GT, I still say he smells the worst out of the entire lot..] (24) 10%
Gohan3k [Also quite the smelly one and comes in a very close second to Jaz..] (18) 8%
JZ [Hey why am I on this?? Oh right me and my lack of hygeine...] (68) 30%

Total Votes: 229

Poll of October 2002
Are you planning on cosplaying or dressing up for Halloween?
HELL YES!!! [Strokes anime costume, made perfect down to the last detail, lovingly] (58) 28%
Yeah! [Get out sheet with two eye holes and the carton of eggs] (17) 8%
Maybe [Need candy.. Must have candy.. Too lazy to move..] (40) 19%
Nah.. [That's just a bunch of kid stuff!] (13) 6%
NO!!!! [Hides costume. YOU SAW NOTHING!!] (13) 6%
Are you serious? [I simply put on my Reaper costume and scare all the small children the come by-- MWAHAHAHA.... HA!!? *Ahem*] (51) 24%
Don't Celebrate Halloween [So you get candy some other time-- WELL DAMN YOU THEN!!!! DAMN YOU TO HELL-- I mean..] (17) 8%

Total Votes: 209

Poll of November2002
Who is the Kraziest charact4er at TCG?
Gohan3k [Do I even need to come up with a witty repsone for him??] (82) 34%
JZ [Is Krazy enough to come up with these polls each month!] (45) 19%
Trunks [Krazy enough to not update, and when he does-- Well you know..] (32) 13%
Jaz [Come on people! It's JAZ!!!!] (78) 33%

Total Votes: 238

Poll of December 2002
Which member of the DBZ crew can eat the most?
Goku [The one seen eating at least once every two episodes] (507) 81%
Vegeta [Also a pure blooded saiyan, so it's obvious he eats a lot too!!] (38) 6%
Gohan [The kid can cram the rice!] (15) 2%
Trunks [Uhm.. The pretty boy needs vitamins for his.. hair??] (9) 1%
Goten [Goten's a birdie! Goten's a birdie-- I mean..] (56) 9%

Total Votes: 625

Poll of January 2003
Which member of the DBZ crew has a New Year's Resolution most similar to your own?
Goku [Diet Diet Diet! 30 tonnes of food a day is a BIT too much..] (42) 11%
Gohan [Study Study Study!! Okay, so you're officially a nerd..] (45) 11%
Trunks [Comb Comb Comb!! Okay, that's the last time I keep that 3 word pattern, but anyway, he needs to keep at his hair.. and erm.. looks.. cuz ya know.......] (31) 8%
Vegeta [Train Train Train!! Look out for the train!!!! *runs off railroad tracks*] (115) 29%
Goten [Date Date Date! If you've seen GT Goten.. cough man whore cough!] (114) 29%
Chi-Chi [Abuse the husaband! x3] (13) 3%
Krillen [Shine Shine Shine! That bald head doesn't get 'Most Waxed Head of the Year' Awards for nothing you know!!] (8) 2%
Bulma [Complain Complain Complain! So not the greatest resoultion, but hey-- When has that ever mattered?!] (28) 7%

Total Votes: 396

Poll of February 2003
Which member of the DBZ cast do you have the hott's for?
Goku [Yeah.. He is like the strongest guy in the universe-- IN THE SACK!!] (34) 6%
Trunks [We all love a pretty boy..] (40) 7%
Goten [He's a man ho-- What's not to love?!] (20) 3%
Bra [One of the more skanky DBZ females ^_^] (126) 22%
Gohan [Hey.. We all know he's hot-- IN THE PANTS!!] (39) 7%
Chi-Chi [I don't even want to know..] (19) 3%
Vegeta I wonder if he's as agressive off his feet as he is on them (67) 12%
Bulma [Known to give DbZ men most nosebleeds.. heh heh heh..] (115) 20%
Krillen [You sick child..] (13) 2%
Videl [She's cool?] (108) 19%

Total Votes: 581

Poll of April 2003
What prank would you most like to play on a DBZ Charact4er?
Goku [Okay, you can do just about anything to this moron and confuse him..] (79) 13%
ChiChi [Pretend that school has been closed forever] (45) 7%
Gohan [Tell him his father has been killed... Again] (39) 6%
Trunks [Pretend you're yet another android come to kill his friends and family.. that should scar the bugger for life!] (60) 10%
Vegeta [Remove all hair gel] (87) 14%
Bulma [Make her go on a blind date.. With Master Roshi] (87) 14%
Master Roshi [Set him up on a blind date with Bulma.... wait..] (14) 2%
Freeza [Bring him back to life, just so he can be killed by yet another saiyan] (219) 35%

Total Votes: 630

Poll of May 2003
Who is most awesome?
Goku [Well he's only saved the universe about a billion times] (197) 32%
Gohan [He's awesome acedemic wise... DORK!!] (95) 15%
Vegeta [Saiyan prince in spandex, what's not awesome about that??] (233) 37%
ChiChi [Psycho's are always fun..] (11) 2%
Bulma [Well I have to add SOME females don't I??] (22) 4%
Freeza [Yeaaah.... Actually.. Nooooo] (13) 2%
Piccolo [He's one bad mofo!] (51) 8%

Total Votes: 622

Poll of June 2003
Do you REALLY wanna see JZ naked??
GOD YES!!!!!! [That's just a little scary..] (240) 50%
Sure why not [A naked female does have it's benifits] (133) 28%
Meh [Who really cares?] (26) 5%
No thanks [I'll stick to my porn] (11) 2%
NO WAY!!! [How dare you degrad a female like that??!] (68) 14%

Total Votes: 478

Poll of July 2003
What are your plans for this summer?
Hang out with the DBZ crew [And learning Master Roshi's Art of taking pictures of bikini clad woman lessons] (70) 41%
Watching DBZ constantly [Hey, you're sad and you know it] (37) 22%
Download DBZ on your computer cuz you're too lazy to move and find the remote [Well you may as well use your DSL while you can.. Dork] (33) 19%
Nothing DBZ Affiliated [Uhm, then why are you browsing DBZ sites.. You sicken me..] (31) 18%

Total Votes: 171

Poll of August 2003
Who is the Kraziest charact4er at TCG? Part II
Gohan3k [He's the creator of TCG. You have to be pretty krazy to run this place] (51) 30%
Trunks [One of the original TCG'ers, he's got to be a little bit crazy!!] (22) 13%
JZ [Admit it, I'm Krazy, who else would make naked polls?!] (65) 39%
Jaz [Crazy for never updating] (14) 8%
Sky [Our newest TCG memeber, he's so goddamn crazy that he just had to join TCG] (16) 10%

Total Votes: 168


Poll of September 2003
What do you plan about doing on going back to school?
Study, work hard [Nehoy! Someone shoot this dork] (44) 21%
Not pay attention, do bad, the usual [And I'm sure you'll eventually pass the fourth grade with that attitude!] (27) 13%
Burn school [Now that's the answer we all want to hear!!] (139) 66%

Total Votes: 210

Poll of October 2003
What would you do if the site closed down?
Cry [Hey, I've seen it happen] (113) 29%
Sacrifice a goat in hopes that the site will comes back [I haven't quite seen that happen as often..] (142) 37%
Nothing [I just come here for the polls] (68) 18%
Be happy [You're sense of humor is just.. sad] (61) 16%

Total Votes: 384

Poll of December 2003
What do you want for Christmas?
Normal Stuffs [Mmmmm.. stuffs] (71) 47%
DBZ Stuffs [Dork..] (58) 38%
Nothing [LIAR!!] (16) 11%
Two Front Teeth [Hick much..] (7) 5%

Total Votes: 152

Poll of March 2004
What would you do if Goku handed you blueberries?
Eat them! [I've never had blueberries before!] (4) 4%
SQUISH!! [Squished blueberries are the best] (5) 6%
Throw them [Hopefully back into the face of Goku, blinding him for life] (21) 24%
Eat them in hopes of them containing special powers [Who knows, maybe blue berries were the key to Goku's power] (46) 52%
Look in confusion and throw them over your shoulder [Hey... it could happen] (13) 15%

Total Votes: 89

Poll of April 2004
Which DB/Z/GT Charact4er do you think would make it into American Idol?
Goku [He can totally sing, haven't you head him scream] (3) 6%
Gohan [He has a high pitched whiny voice, I'm sure his singing voice could sound similar] (1) 2%
Chi-Chi [The screams as well.. I'm sure she could belt out something] (0) 0%
Bulma [Also, the screamer.. Her frying pan could be used for back up] (2) 4%
Krillen [I'm sure I'm not the only one who saw him singing in the DBZ movie.. *shudders*] (2) 4%
Goten [Goten's A Birdie-- Definatley could become a number one hit on charts everywhere] (7) 13%
Trunks [He's a totaly teeny bopper, he can succeed at anything he tries] (11) 21%
Piccolo [Who would say not to him? Not Paula Abdul!] (3) 6%
Vegeta [More bad ass than Simon] (23) 44%

Total Votes: 52

Poll of July 2004
What summer job would you give Trunks?

Sparring Partner-Pump it up! 69 (22%)
Personal Driver-Or flyer.. 17 (5%)
IceCream man- Mmmmm ice cream 28 (9%)
Summer School-You're not goin! 12 (3%)
Capsule Corp. Pres-Booooooring 28 (9%)
Personal Slave-Quite useful ;) 68 (22%)
Male Stripper-Enough said 87 (28%)

309 Total votes

Poll of August 2004
Which DBZ charact4er would you want to bring back to school with you?

Vegeta - School go boom 199 (44%)
Gohan - Answers to the tests!! 69 (15%)
Trunks - Look pretty 33 (7%)
Goku - Help you... study????? 23 (5%)
Goten - Someone to play with! 29 (6%)
ChiChi - Packs your lunches 6 (1%)
Piccolo - Scares away kids 28 (6%)
Krillen-Make fun of him, not u 13 (2%)
Yamcha - Key to the ladies 49 (10%)

449 Total votes

Poll of September 2004
In an attempt to get out of those back to school blues you start a rock band-- who's gonna help ya?!

Trunks - Jammin' on the guitar 83 (17%)
Gohan - Your manager 52 (11%)
Vegeta - Drums suit him well 62 (13%)
Goku - Tamborine! 27 (5%)
Goten - Back up tamborine!! 63 (13%)
Bulma - Lead vocals 15 (3%)
Piccolo - Personal bodygaurd 52 (11%)
Chi Chi - Back up vocals 7 (1%)
Brolly - Official headbanger 83 (17%)
Yamcha -Groupies will love him 25 (5%)

469 Total votes

Poll of October 2004
Who would you take to go trick-or-treating with you?

Goku-May eat all your candy 39 (10%)
Vegeta-May explode houses.. 87 (22%)
Gohan-Can plan a perfect route 59 (15%)
Chi-Chi-No more candy for you! 5 (1%)
Goten - Will get hyper w/you! 61 (15%)
Trunks-Uhm.. Can look pretty? 19 (4%)
Pan-Beat up others for candy! 50 (12%)
Piccolo-Scare away the kids! 65 (16%)

385 Total votes

Poll of November/December 2004
Which DBZ cast member would you give away as a present?

Goku-Will eat the b-day cake 115 (13%)
Vegeta-What a big presen-BOOM! 213 (24%)
Piccolo-Time to train, Tubby 98 (11%)
Chi-Chi-Will bake cake! 53 (6%)
Goten - Just cuz it's Goten! 148 (16%)
Trunks-Unf 69 (7%)
Gohan-A study buddy! Nehoy! 119 (13%)

880 Total votes



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