Tournament II Final Results
Welcome to TCG's SECOND Anime character tournament. This is basically a tournament where you vote for who you like better on the main page of the site, each winner moves on and each loser is eliminated, until only 1 remains. It's in 4 quadrants, and the winner of each quadrant moves on the semi finals. And before you ask, this isn't' to decide which character fights better, it's a popularity contest. If you don't know who a character is, click on their name for a small profile and picture. For the results of last years contest click here. Make sure you view this page with text size on medium, otherwise it comes out looking really messed up, to do this go to view ---> text size ---> Medium
Quadrant 1
Vegeta vs. Ash | Kai vs. Mercury | Dark Magician vs Kirby | Blue Eyes vs Ken | Cell vs Mewtwo | Ed vs C-Moon
Vegeta vs King Kai | Dark Magician vs Blue Eyes | Cell vs Ed
Quadrant 1 Finals: Vegeta vs Brolli
Brolli vs Sesshomarou
Brolli vs Android 18
Brolli vs Marron | Mew vs Sesshomarou | Android 18 vs Yugi
Brolli - Pikachu | Marron - Roshi | Mew - Tai | Sesshomarou - Treize | Trowa - Android 18 | Yugi - Zechs
Quadrant 2
Chibi Trunks vs
Chi-Chi | Mimi vs Duo | Crono vs
Eva 01
| Faye vs Launch |
Buu vs Miroku |
Misty vs Vash
Chibi Trunks vs Duo | Crono vs Faye | Buu vs Vash
Chibi Trunks vs Vash
Quadrant 2 Finals: Chibi Trunks vs Goten
Kenshin vs Goten
Goten vs
Kenshin vs Pan | Goten vs Heero | Sango vs Inuyasha
Kenshin vs Ranma | Pan vs Nappa | Sailor Moon vs Goten | Naruto vs Heero | Asuka vs Sango | Inuyasha vs Vaughn
Quadrant 3
Vegetto vs Jiggly Puff
| Wufei vs Android 17 | Gene vs
Jet | Ginyu vs Mirai
Trunks | Kaiba vs
Krillin| Megaman vs D
Vegetto vs Android 17 | Gene vs Mirai Trunks | Krillin vs Megaman
Quadrant 3 Finals: Vegetto vs Gogeta
Gogeta vs Android
Gogeta vs Orphen
Videl vs Gogeta | Android 16 vs Kari | Jupiter vs Orphen
Videl vs Legato | Bubbles vs Gogeta | Yusuke vs Android 16 | Kari vs Davis | Jupiter vs Oak | Orphen vs Naru
Quadrant 4
Takato vs Venus
| Quatre vs Goku | Relena vs
| Mars vs Bulma |
Piccolo vs Freeza
| Sakura vs Spike
Venus vs Goku | Rika vs Bulma | Piccolo vs Spike
Quadrant 4 Finals: Goku vs Gohan
Gohan vs Kagome
Gohan vs Gotenks
Knives vs Gohan | Rei vs Kagome | Gotenks vs John Cena
T.K. vs Knives | Raditz vs Gohan | Rei vs Shinji | Kagome vs Hitomi | Kuwabara vs Gotenks | Astro Boy vs John Cena
Semi Finals
Quadrant 1 Champion vs Quadrant 3 Champion | Quadrant 2 champion vs Quadrant 4 Champion
Vegeta vs Gogeta | Chibi Trunks vs Gohan
Third Place Match:
Vegeta vs Chibi Trunks
Second Place Gohan |
First Place Gogeta |
Third Place Vegeta |